Date Time Stretch Rules Difficulty
8th September 2021 10.30am to 4.30pm 300m 6 GB Pounds, C+R Hard

Peak Angling Passport - River Dove, Mill Lane beat

This is a very short beat from the weir by the old mill, upstream to the boundary of the first field.

There are some reasonably sized brown trout in this stretch as there are deep pools created by the weir.

Access and Fishing Notes

The weir downstream makes the first part of this beat slow, and in places very deep, with slightly murky water. The banks are steep and there is mud and slippery rocks under the water, making wading quite hazardous. A wading staff would help but some parts seem too deep to wade.

The beat was very overgrown, preventing access to fish and making casting very difficult. Hardly any water was flowing around the loop, as the river has broken through the bank forming an island and most water was flowing through the gap.

The island was overgrown, with no paths or clear areas on the bank, so no part of the island was fishable, even where there was water.

The beat description says there is 300m to fish but there was really only one section at the top end of the beat (~30-40m) that was fishable and wading was required for that.

Directions: Take the B5054 west out of Hartington. The beat is approx 1 mile from Hartington on the right hand side, just before the old mill and the road bridge that takes you over the River Dove.
Access: Go through the field gate from the parking area and a short walk to the left across the field takes you to the fence by the river. See to obtain tokens to fish. The token box is mounted on a fence post near the weir at the bottom end of the beat. A little further upstream there is a gate giving access to the river.
Conditions: Weather was dry but overcast and cool.
Technique: I used a 5-weight fly rod and floating, tapered line. Fished upstream with a Greenwell's Glory pattern.
Fish: I caught two brown trout near the top of the beat. One was quite a good size for this size of stream (see the pictures).
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