Distance Time Climb Highest Point Difficulty
9.0km 4hrs 716m 1996m Medium

Hokkaido: Kurodake and Ohachidaira Caldera

This is a return hike up to the summit of Mt. Kurodake, then past Kurodake hut and on to Ohachidaira Caldera lookout. Return on the reverse route.

Take the Ropeway from Sounkyo and then the Chair Lift to get to the Trail Head.

Route Notes

Start: The Trail Head is at the top of the Chair Lift. KurodakeOhachidairaTrack Go up the steps and register your intended route at the office.

Turn right and follow the very clear track. The track is rocky with lots of steps. It zig-zags up the ridge. In places the track consists of large rocks.

You pass distance markers (in Japanese) telling you how far you've come and how far to Kurodake summit. It's about 1.7km to the summit.

Some information boards tell you about the wildflowers (also in Japanese).

1.0km: At the ninth station there's a post marker and a bench for a rest and to admire the view.
1.4km: You start to see Maneki Rocks up ahead, which is a sign you are nearing the top of the climb.

In summer, there are many wildflowers blooming along the track.

1.7km: Once you reach the top of the main climb, the summit is just off to the right and the track continues down the other side, shown by yellow markings on the rocks. An easy track leads down towards Kurodake Hut. On a clear day, you can see the hut ahead and the ridge to Ohachidaira beyond.
2.5km: When you reach a crossroads, turn right to see the hut just 50m away. There are tables and benches if you want a lunch/rest stop. The hut has a sleeping/living building and a separate toilet building.

Back at the crossroads, take the track to the right (opposite the track from Kurodake that you came in on). From here, it's an easy walk along a wide ridge. The track is sometimes marked by ropes to guide you and protect the delicate vegetation. It's usually clear even when there are no guide ropes, but take care not to stray if visibility is poor.

A gentle incline leads up towards the Caldera. On the left is the Akaishi River, which runs out of the crater.

4.5km: A last small climb gets you to the lookout where there is a sign giving distances to various places. On a clear day, the view is spectacular.

The return journey is easy and downhill most of the way, with just a short climb back up Kurodake before descending on the zig-zag path back to the Trail Head.

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Video of this walk from August 2020.

