Distance Time Climb Highest Point Difficulty
32.9km 4 days 3193m 2922m B8

Panorama-Ginza Full Route Plan

This item outlines our plan for the Panorama-Ginza hike in the Southern part of the Japanese Kita Alps with a final destination of Kamikochi.

Technical Level according the Nagano Trail Grades guide is B (Streams, cliffs and snowy valleys in some trails. Steep ups and downs. Some sections not clearly indicated. Some possibility of falling and sliding down if you trip.)

Physical Level is 8 (2-3 nights or longer)

Route Notes

Out Day: Meet at Nagoya Station. 10.00am train to Hotaka via Matsumoto. Arrive Hotaka Station at 12.46.

Lunch, then 14.35 bus arrives at Ariesko at 15.42.

Overnight at Ariesko, dinner and breakfast included.

Day 1: Ariesko breakfast starts from 06.00.

07.30 walk 700m from Ariesko to Trail Head

07.45 Nakabusa to Enzanso Hut. 4.1km, approx 1250m ascent, 5hrs, arrive 12.45, check in and lunch if not already taken.

13.45 Enzanso Hut to Tsubakurodake Summit and return (optional). 1.8km, 1hr round trip

Overnight at Enzanso Hut, dinner and breakfast included.

Day 2: 07.00 Enzanso Hut to Daitenso Hut. 4.6km, 3hrs 30mins. Option to do short (10min?) climb to Otensho summit.

Daitenso Hut to Jonengoya Hut. 4.7km, 2hrs 40mins. Arrive 14.00. Total climb for day about 750m.

Overnight at Jonengoya Hut, dinner and breakfast included.

Day 3: 07.00 Jonengoya Hut to Jonen Summit. 1.1km, 370m ascent, 1hr 30mins.

Jonengoya Summit to Chogatake Hut. 4.8km, 4hrs 45mins. Arrive 13.15. Total climb for day about 870m. Option to do Chogatake summit (30mins round trip)

Overnight at Chogatake Hut, dinner and breakfast included.

Day 4: 07.00 Chogatake Hut to Tokusawa Hut. 5.6km, approx 1100m descent, 3hrs 45mins. Lunch.

Tokusawa Hut to Miyojinkan Hut. 2.8km, 1hr, flat walking. Arrive 13.00.

Overnight at Miyojinkan Hut, dinner and breakfast included.

Return Day: 07.00 Miyojinkan Hut to Kamikochi. 3.4km, flat walking, 1hr.

Sightseeing, Kappabashi bridge, etc.

Bus to Shin shima shima station (65mins)

12.07 Train Shin shima shima station to Nagoya via Matsumoto. Arrive Nagoya 15.01


-- Day 1 -- Day 2 -- Day 3 -- Day 4 -- Day 5 --

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Video summary of the full walk in Sept 2020.

