Distance Time Climb Highest Point Difficulty
12.0km 8hrs 977m 934m B3

Ureyama through Aichi Prefectural Forest

This route is mainly in the Aichi Prefectural Forest Park. It goes up a ridge to the summit and then drops down to the valley and along the river to return.

The goal is Mt Ureyama (929.7m). There are several alternative routes and circuits within the park.

Route Notes

Start: The Trail Head is near the Aichi Prefectural Forest and Campground main car park. From the car park, head roughly North until you see some cabins and a campground in the forest close to the road.

Head up some stone steps and the track passes through the campground and into the forest.

700m: The track zig-zags steeply up through the forest. After about 700m, the climb becomes shallower and the trees sparser.

An easy track climbs gently up the hill.

900m: The gently climb continues for a few hundred metres before you reach a steeper section.

You can already get good views to the South and East.

1.1km: When you reach the ridge, you join a path coming from the South and turn North to follow the ridge.

From here you can see the track following the ridge to the first high point ahead.

1.4km: After a climb over a rock outcrop you reach Minamione observation deck at an altitude of about 400m.

Ahead, the path snakes along the ridge undulating up and down but not rising much.

2.7km: Continue following the ridge. Some sections have chains to prevent you straying from the path.

You pass a water station (drinking not recommended) and several other tracks join, but keep on the ridge track.

The track steepens and after a climb through a wide open area with pine forest on each side, you reach a peak at 600m.

4.7km: It's a steady climb up the ridge for the next couple of kilometres and you pass several tracks on the right leading down into the valley.

Near another water station, you reach a junction. To the right there is a ridge that you could take to do a circular ridge walk around the park.

To the North-West, is the track to Ureyama summit. Take this track.

5.7km: The track to the summit is steep at first but becomes shallower.

The summit is still wooded but there are views to the North-East.

Near the summit, there is an open sided wooden deck with a roof. It's in a sorry state and looks very unsafe to should be avoided.

see a Virtual Hike with more track photos HERE

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