Distance Time Climb Highest Point Difficulty
8.7km 2hrs 40min 225m 101m Moderate

Manly Dam Circuit

Manly Dam Circuit is a mixed walk with some lakeside and bush walking. Some parts of the track are easy flat walking but there are some moderate climbs and steps.

There are options to reduce the number of steps by using the lakeside drive in places.

Route Notes

Start: There are several paid parking areas along the southern side of the lake. Alternatively, you can park in one of the streets nearby and walk down to the park entrance. Near the park entrance you have the option to skip the driveway that goes to all the parking areas and take the Nature Trail walk. This walk goes through the bush rather than along the lakeside drive, but be aware that there are steep steps at the start and end of this section, so stick to the driveway if you want a flatter walk.
1.6km: After about 1.6km, the track heads back down more steps and back towards the lake. Before reaching the driveway, take the Wildflower Walk to the left to avoid the driveway again. This will bring you out at the end of the driveway where you'll find a barbecue area
1.7km: The track skirts round a small inlet and then follows the lake quite closely.
2.2km: There are several spots along this section where you can walk down to the lake for a view and to cool down if it's hot.
2.6km: The track is very flat alongside the lake and in some places a raised walkway crosses patches that may be marshy. Other places have an easy gravel path.
3.3km: The track continues following the lake until you reach the point where Manly creek enters the lake. The creek is a series of pools with shallow water flowing over flat rocks in between.
3.6km: About 300m upstream you reach a deep pool with a waterfall flowing over a large flat rocky outcrop. If you look carefully, you can see aboriginal axe sharpening grooves in the rock.
4.3km: You follow the creek further upstream along a narrowing, rocky path until you reach the wide cycle track.

Cross the creek and follow the cycle track uphill and away from the creek. The track is wide and any large outcrops of rock have been cut away to make it flatter for mountain bikes.

Follow the track uphill and then along an undulating route for about 1.5km until you see a narrow track off to the right marked 'Park Circuit Track'. The sign may be slightly hidden by trees and bushes.

6.5km: The Park Circuit Track follows a ridge down through the bush back towards the lake. The bush was burnt out in this section from recent bushfires but the track is easy to follow.
6.9km: The track meets the lake again at a small stream inlet and then follows the lakeside closely.

Some stretches on this section also have the raised walkway.

8.0km: Just before reaching the dam, the track turns away from the lake and goes up over a small hill before dropping back down to the lake to meet it at the dam wall. Walk across the dam wall to get back to the starting point.

see a Virtual Hike with more track photos HERE

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