Date Original Artist Track Instrument
Sep 2022 Beethoven Moonlight Sonata Piano

Learning Piano - Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement

I started trying to learn Moonlight Sonata from my very first week of learning piano, a bar or two at a time.

This is where I am after 7 months.


I moved to the next few bars only once I could remember the previous bars. Finally after 7 months I've learned and can remember all the bars in part 1 (mostly!). I think I've spent about 70-80hrs on this piece.

I made this video to see for myself how well (or badly) I was playing now I've learned all the notes. I made quite a few mistakes, but I'll use this to measure my progress in the future.

Based on my experience, I think this piece is not too technically challenging for a beginner to play the notes. The difficulties I've had are related to remembering all the variations (there's hardly any repetition) and playing smoothly and with the right feeling.

I would be happy to hear other people's experiences of this piece. Leave a comment on my YouTube video.

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