Useful Information

    The following information and caveats are provided for users of this site.

    For map information, the site uses Google maps, and data from the Japanese GSI.

    All content on the site is copyright and the respective map contributors.

    For the Hiker

    GPS tracks and geolocated maps are provided as a guide only and do not replace paper maps. GPS tracks can be inaccurate for various reasons and the tracks provided here do not necessarily accurately represent any tracks or imply any right of way. Track position may change over time. Always stick to the marked tracks if possible and obtain recent local information before hiking.

    For the Fly Fisher

    Best efforts are made to provide accurate information about licences, etc. but rules change over time. Locations indicated do not imply right to park or access the rivers at the given locations. Always obtain recent local information before fishing.

    For the Tech Blog

    The information provided is just what I have found to be interesting. I don't make any claims that this is current, accurate or useful, particularly for any software provided. Please make your own checks before using for anything important. No Warranty is provided.